Major Games

Major Games

We believe that the years in the Prep School represent the key window for athletic development. Our focus is for pupils to develop their skills and competitive experiences in a progressive manner in order to enjoy a lifelong participation in sport. From the early years of developing the ABC’s of athleticism (agility, balance and co-ordination), to the application of specific sports skills in a competitive match, we hope that sport at Culford never loses its sense of fun and enjoyment.

Pupils at the Senior School take part in all major games. Games change termly and there are three coaching sessions a week with the majority of competitive matches on a Saturday afternoon, complemented with mid-week fixtures and House matches.

The opportunity to contribute to a team engenders a sense of identity and pride in the school.

Alongside the Tennis, Swimming, Football and Golf Academies are the Major Games and an ethos in which competition is embraced by pupils of all abilities. In addition, Culford provides breadth and excellence in coaching to ensure continuity for those pupils whose aspirations are found outside the arena of traditional games.

Prep School Autumn Spring Summer
First Form Girls' Netball Hockey Cricket
First Form Boys' Hockey Rugby Cricket
Second & Third Form Girls' Hockey Netball Cricket
Second & Third Form Boys' Rugby Hockey Cricket


Senior School Autumn Spring Summer
Girls Hockey Netball Cricket
Boys Rugby Hockey Cricket