Culford School

Nursery Frequently Asked Question

About Culford Nursery

Culford Nursery provides a home-from-home experience for children aged from 1 years to Pre-Reception age. Inside, the nursery provides a welcoming and cosy space for children to thrive. We have three rooms: Willow Room; Birch Room and Oak Room. A range of activities are offered to promote the children’s curiosity, sparking wonder and awe. 

Outside, the child-friendly garden offers a safe place to explore freely and develop their imaginations. The children participate in a range of sessions such as music, Mini Movers, Forest School and dance. We also revel in the magnificent grounds that frame our nursery where the children can enjoy walking and exploring the environment.

The Nursery is open all year round, open from 08:00-18:00. We also offer a breakfast club from 07:30, should parents require additional flexibility. Our online learning journey, Tapestry, provides parents with updates on how their child is developing in all areas of the Early Years curriculum. Culford Nursery is a feeder to Pre-Reception at the Pre-Prep. This progression is made as seamless as possible with lots of transitional activities built into the term before they move.