Culford School

Boarding and Day

We believe it is not enough for pupils to be busy, challenged and successful; they must also be happy. Excellent pastoral care, in the context of a safe, caring and vibrant community is key. If children are not happy they will find it difficult to realise their potential and achieve in their chosen fields.

All pupils are each assigned to an Activity House with a designated form teacher and take part in several inter-house competitions that encourages them to work in teams to win House and Honour points. Having a form teacher means that every pupil has someone to seek out for support and advice on work, personal, friendship, health or other matters.

Optional Extended Day until 19:00

Day pupils are fully integrated into its boarding community, with options to part or occasional board, as well as to stay at school for an extended day at no additional charge, joining in activities after school, having supper and completing homework before going home up until 19:00. Find out more about the Culford's Extended Day Programme.

"The access to leisure facilities is fantastic. You can go to the gym, play tennis, have a swim or meet up with a few friends to play football, and the great thing is , it's all just next door"

Pupil Survey