Extended Day
At Culford Prep School we make a concerted effort to get to know our parents as well as the children in our care. Through regular interactions, such as our early morning chats at the Prep School Arch, we're able to understand the challenges parents face and develop solutions to help make life easier for them and their children. One such solution is Culford Prep's Extended Day Programme.
What is Culford Prep's Extended Day Programme?
Culford Prep School's Extended Day Programme allows Prep School pupils to come into school as early as 07:30 and stay as late as 20:00. Our Extended Day Programme has been designed to help busy working parents by giving them extra flexibility and eliminating the often tricky, and expensive, issue of organising childcare.
What does Culford Prep's Extended Day Programme offer?
Culford Prep's Extended Day Programme offers parents the chance to bring their children into school as early as 07:30 and collect them as late as 20:00. The programme includes:
- Breakfast at Breakfast Club
- Supper with Cadogan Boarders at 17:30
- Tutor assistance with their prep between 18:00 - 19:00
What is the cost of Culford Prep's Extended Day Programme?
The Extended Day Programme is included in your day tuition at no extra charge until 19:00 to all Culford Prep School day children save for a small charge for pre-school supervision and breakfast. There is also a small charge after 19:00.