Culford School

Fourth Form

Learning_for Life

Senior School

Pupils start the Senior School in the Fourth Form. This is an important year before GCSE work starts and during the Spring term pupils will need to make choices about which subjects to study at GCSE level. It is often a time of discovery they begin to realise their academic passions. Fourth Form pupils are expected to participate in academic and extra-curricular experiences offered to them, like the History Society.

The History Society

Culford School History Society is one of the only school based medieval re-enactment group
in the country. The aim of the group is to engage and inspire our pupils about the past, in particularly what life was like in the 14th century. 

Academic Expectations and Support

Pupils are set according to ability for mathematics, English, geography, history, religious studies, French, Spanish and science. Pupils receiving learning development or English as a foreign language typically have these lessons in place of French and Spanish.

To help pupils reach their personal goals they take part in a series of study skills sessions, focusing on the schools values: flexibility, innovation, dynamism and resilience. Pupils also experience a Learning for Life (PSHCE) programme. 

GCSE Courses

Discover the GCSE options avaiable at Culford.

The Scholars' Programme

To further enrich the academic experience at Culford we operate a year-round, Scholars’ and Gifted & Talented Programme.

Fourth Form Subjects

In the Fourth Form most pupils have lessons in all of the following subjects:

  • Art and design, design and technology, drama, English language and literature, French, Spanish, games, geography, history, mathematics, music, religious studies, biology, chemistry, physics and learning for life.